Our Clients


“…business-savvy professional who is equally at home advising a senior executive about organizational strategies or digging into a complex opportunity with a customer or business partner. Always moving toward the business goal, Andrea integrates hard data and soft soundings into real actions backed by intelligence and passion…”
Mike G., Director

“…the full package: great organizational and business insight with strategic vision….brings attention to detail and follow through…but her most important asset is organizational and leadership savvy…extremely adept at assessing what an organization or leader needs and creating and implementing a plan…proven skills at leadership coaching and career development and brings passion and a high standard for excellence..”
Katie M., Director

“…really pushed me outside my comfort zone encouraging exploration on what motivates me and how to integrate this back into the workplace. She effectively helped me identify my strengths and coached me on presenting myself so others see my attributes. She supported my growth both professionally and personally and was not hesitant to be honest in her observations. For the first time, I felt like I received constructive feedback I could use to grow professionally and secure my promotion.”
Angela L., Director

“When I engaged Andrea originally, I roughly knew the outcome I desired and had certain criteria around how the end result should function… Andrea is masterful at listening to an idea or concept, asking the right types of questions to gain understanding and then working towards creative and effective solutions. What I got was a masterful framework for my staff that fostered communication and input both up and down, established measurable goals to help evaluate success, and a repeatable strategic planning process that then feeds and supports the Framework…I have also grown to love both the direction she provides in terms of moving issues towards completion along with her understanding and flexibility as issues arise and force us down a slightly different route. Because of her acumen, our meeting times feel so productive and forward thinking yet also continually produce tangible results…Many of my staff continue to ask for time with Andrea and it doesn’t surprise me as I understand how infectious it is to have her swoop in, offer solutions, and make you feel positive along the way.”
Adam B, Associate VP & CIO
Lewis & Clark College

“I worked with Andrea over the course of four months when I was going through a professional transition. She gave me very specific tasks and challenges to complete and was a great sounding board asking thoughtful, introspective questions, listening closely and responding to every piece of our conversation. I always felt she was fully focused on what we were working on and well prepared for each of our meetings. Andrea was exactly the person I needed in my corner to challenge me to do the work that needed to be done to bring about the change I was looking for.”
Paige Davis
Creative Director Brand & Creative
Road Scholar